You’re showing up strong for yourself and your child(ren) every day. 

But you’re tired of strength feeling like a necessity for daily survival. 


You’re ready to emerge from the bloody cocoon of a beaten caterpillar to the beautiful, graceful butterfly that you are…. 


That you’ve always been. 

 But that has been pushed down into captivity…longing to be free again.


You’re making life work. 

 Not just that, but you’re surviving above what most people can tolerate.


 You find yourself in bed at the end of the day…exhausted and wondering how you’ll get through another battle. 

 Oftentimes you cry yourself to sleep because all you want, more than anything, is to protect your child(ren) and to feel at peace. 

 You hate that your child(ren) are watching you struggle. 

 Even though you try to hide it, you know they feel the tension and pain. 

 But you get up and put the armor on each day because…


It takes ultimate strength to continue showing up for yourself and your child(ren), when the world has felt like it’s against you. 

 You are relentless in ensuring the best for your child, even when it means coming face-to-face with the dragons of your past, present, and future. 

 You’ll never settle for less because you KNOW what you and your child(ren) deserve.


With love in your heart, fire in your eyes, and determination in your gut - you just keep fighting. 

 You know your child better than anyone else. 

 You’ve felt victimized by the very people you trusted. 

 You wonder: “Don’t they see what an amazing mother I am?! Don’t they see I would risk my life over and over again for my child? Why can’t they SEE me?”



 My mistake was thinking THEY needed to change. 

 My mistake was thinking they’d finally SEE and UNDERSTAND me. 

 My mistake was thinking they’d even one day thank me. This resulted in ongoing suffering, pain, and created physical ailments in my body. 

 A simple text would put me into fight or flight. 

 The yelling began to escalate, so I found myself constantly walking on eggshells to shield my children from additional trauma. 

 I found myself staying up late with regret - ashamed of my decisions from the past that led me to this very place. 

 I was drowning in guilt and shame for the toxic environment that had been created for my child(ren). 

 After wasting years of effort, unnecessary suffering, and revisiting the pain over and over again, I realized:



 For myself. 

 For my child. 

 For the world. 


 Hurting. Tired. Hungry for peace. 

 But there’s a divine sense of hope within you. 

 You know there must be another way…a better way. 

 And there is.


I see you taking your energy back. 


I see you finally feeling the peace you deserve.

I see you being the eye of the MOTHER FUCKING storm.

I see you understanding how to use your power with clarity. 

I see you holding the standard for yourself & your child(ren).

I see you surrounded in a beautiful vibration of peace and strength.

I see you standing tall and grounded where most people would’ve crumpled.

I see you feeling relieved that the anger, fear, guilt, and shame are finally gone (for good).


  • Remove your long standing and severely dented armor. 
  • Soothe the burns and cuts underneath your armor. 
  • Build a stronger operating system from within. 
  • Help you to understand you don’t NEED the armor. 
  • Show you how to access your inner strength, peace, and energy at all times. 
  • Release the pain and nightmares from the past. 
  • Upgrade out of fight or flight mode to access higher levels of freedom. 
  • Understand how to navigate the battlefield with peace and potency. 
  • Create next level co-parenting, whether you’re still in the relationship or not. 
  • Imagine getting a snarky text and NOT being triggered…nothing, nada, zilch.

You are the one you’ve been waiting for. I will guide you back to YOU.


You want to prevent generational trauma.

You're excited about a life without constant pain from the past.

You are a single mother or you’re still in a relationship with the BD.

You want to feel resourced in staying in your power, peace, and clarity.

You want to clear the toxic energy that's kept you a prisoner of your mind.

Your children can feel the tension between their parents & you don't want to cause them further pain. 


You’re just looking for a space to complain about your BD(s). 

You’re wanting to remain in suffering and anger. 

You’re not willing to think in a new way. 

You love engaging in drama.

When you pay in full, you get a special program on
Clearing Dark Energy for FREE!! (Value: $699) 
  • How is Phase 1 delivered?
    The first phase will be delivered to you in a private podcast feed. This first phase is required before the live calls because I'll be updating and elevating your unconscious programming. I'll shift your pain, guilt, shame, trauma a TON with just the audios, therefore, when you get on the will have an upgraded "operating system."
  • What topics will you be covering in the pre-recorded audios?
    Some of the topics I'll be clearing are listed below. However, there will be a variety of topics for both women still in relationships and single moms. I will add more topics based on the pre-course survey you'll be receiving, allowing me to work on your specific concerns. The first set of audios will be the foundation - everyone will listen to those. The next set will be specific and you can either choose which ones apply to you or listen to all (which is what I recommend).

    -Getting you out of fight or flight.
    -Helping you access higher levels of wisdom, intuition, energy, focus, etc.
    -Guilt, shame, anger, fear around various situations / trauma.
    -How to clear anger after a court battle.
    -How to not dread his texts or calls.
    -How to handle your partner's negative behavior.
    -How to clear pain around an abortion.
  • What will the live calls be about?
    The live calls will address any questions or lingering sensations that are needing to be shifted. The live calls aren't required by any means. You might very well get everything you need from the pre-recorded audios, but the calls are also a great way to connect with like-minded mothers.
  • Why aren't there specific dates for the calls?
    I'm taking a new (feminine) approach to this program & using my intuition (and feedback from you) to determine if / when we need a live call. I want to ensure you get everything you need and that I'm giving it to you from the best energetic space, so I'll have a standing live call each quarter for ALL Clean BDE mothers, but will add additional calls if it feels aligned.
  • Can I have a 1:1 call with you?
    YES! Just upgrade to the Clean BDE VIP option and I'll be your coach as you navigate this program for 6 weeks (check-ins each week on a specific day / time to be discussed after purchase).
  • Do you have a refund policy?
    Due to the nature of this program and the private stories I'll be sharing, I'm not offering a refund. If you're struggling with any of the content at any time or need additional support, you can always email me and my team: and we'll help you.

Andrea was a single mom with PTSD from her past. She didn't want to continue to watch her energy and body take hits from the emotions of her past. Doctors were recommending surgery to remove fibroids from her uterus and she had been surviving on a LOT of caffeine to get her through the day.  

By going on all in on healing her hurt, she has her doctors stumped because the fibroids are completely gone, her energy and mental clarity is sky high and her business burst into the 7 figure range.  

Her purpose is to help women feel good because she believes women who feel good, do good.  

I'm thrilled and honored that she'll be speaking to our group! I've worked with Andrea in both group and private settings - her energy is GOLD.  After entering her world in February 2023 and taking just about all of her programs, my income 4X'd, I have more confidence, increased energy / focus, and at ease with life's ups and downs. Not only that, but she showed me we don't have to follow everyone else's processes if it doesn't feel ALIGNED. I've released all that I'm NOT since entering her world and it's such a huge relief! 

The live call happened in the beta round, but you'll still get access to this POWERFUL replay.

Danielle has been my personal Emotion Code / Body Code Practitioner for quite some time and has helped both myself and my children heal tremendously.  My first experience with her was when I was dealing with blurred vision and after just one session - it was corrected.  I was SOLD! Not only that, but she has helped heal my children from various issues, such as: anger, fear, rejection, unworthiness - without them even being present for the healings.  I've seen a huge positive impact in their behavior, confidence, and choices since having this work done on them.  That's why I partnered with Danielle to give you a free session AND ongoing discounted pricing (just mention my name when you book). 

Danielle is extremely intuitive and we've often worked on clearing past life trauma (and even curses).  Not only that, but she's one of the kindest and gentlest souls I've ever met. 

Danielle Taylor owns Fit and Flow - where she helps her clients break through old patterns and belief systems that are no longer serving them.  With her Emotion Code / Body Code training, she's able to do this quickly.  In addition to that, she studied Nutrition Science at Stanford School of Medicine and became a certified Integrative Health Coach in 2017.  


I didn't even realize I was stuck in fight or flight until after entering Andrea's world and the world of RRT (Rapid Resolution Therapy).  Rapid Resolution Therapy got to the root of the issue, making the clearing seamless.  One day, I just looked back and realized "Huh - I don't have that issue any longer." And that's exactly what I'll do for you.  Sit back and relax while I SHIFT things FOR you. 

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Step 2: Want to Upgrade Your Order?

Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special Upgrade: 6 weeks of Live Coaching!
Weekly calls as you go through CLEAN BDE to support you, answer questions, etc. - $997 

Step 3: Choose a pricing option:

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($999.00)$999.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $510.00)2x $510.00

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  • Total payment
  • 1xClean BDE$0

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